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2007.01.17 Verizon DSL speed upgrades complete
posted by admin on 01/17/07
Today we did the work to convert all NAS.COM customers over to our faster connection into Verizon. Everybody should be seeing performance increases. This was a rough day for us, helping out all the customers that had transition issues, but we got it done! Unfortunately, some customers did not get notified about this work, even though we have sent out several e-mail notices over the past 5-6 weeks and have been keeping the website up to date. If you are a NAS.COM customer that would like notices on scheduled maintenance, please go to http://lists.nas.com/mailman/listinfo/nas-announce to subscribe. QWest DSL circuit migrations are in testing now, and we have one employee account working on it successful, and about a half-dozen 'guinea pig' customers who volunteered to move over to the faster circuit next week to help us make sure it is all stable. We anticipate moving all NAS.COM and OpenAccess customers with DSL service over Qwest lines to this faster circuit during the month of February. We will be moving customers in batches of 100 every couple of days. |
Whats New? 2010.11.01 Digital telephone & PBX services expanded
Over the summer of 2010 OpenAccess has rolled out digital telephone service for ourselves, affiliated companies and a few customers who were willing to be 'guinea pigs'. Overall things went better than we expected and we are now opening up our digital telephone service plans to more customers.
2010.10.21 IPv6 Transition
OpenAccess will be having a mid range time line for adoption and
implementation of IPv6. As most people know who are reading this, there
is a certain 'chicken & egg' problem with IPv6 in as much for any
organization to move to IPv6 requires that other organizations have
moved to IPv6.
2010.07.15 NAS.COM wholesale VPS and WebHosting services
This fall, OpenAccess will be re-purposing the 'nas.com' domain name to provide VPS and WebHosting services, primarily wholesale to web developers.
If you have an e-mail address @nas.com, or a personal website located at http://www.nas.com/~yourusername, those services will continue be supported although we will not be accepting new accounts.
2010.02.22 Joomla auto install wizard now available.
Due to popular request, we now have a Joomla auto-installer available on our newer cPanel® servers. This allows customers to quickly and easily install Joomla on their website. The auto-installer is available under the 'site software' section in the administrative interface of your webhosting account.
2009.10.25 OpenAccess begins internal testing for Windows 2008 Server hosting solutions.
OpenAccess is happy to finally be able to announce that we are beginning internal testing of cPanelŽ/Enkompass as a platform for our customers to be able to deliver Windows(c) 2008 Server solutions on.
2007.09.26 Changes in paper billing system.
Effective January 1st 2008 we will be doing what most of our competitors have been doing for years and adding a $1.00 surcharge for paper invoices.
2007.05.30 New web servers in production.
In May we got two new web servers in production. These machines are based out of our facilities in Seattle and were needed as we have about hit capacity on our existing webhosting infrastructure.
2007.03.15 Additional nationwide and global network capacity added.
OpenAccess is glad to announce that we have put into production a new circuit providing us with direct Tier-1 nationwide and global Internet transport.
2007.01.17 Verizon DSL speed upgrades complete
Today we did the work to convert all NAS.COM customers over to our faster connection into Verizon. Everybody should be seeing performance increases.
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